News And Events

Our Mission & Vision


Our mission

To develop an Islamic educational framework in order to prepare religious scientists (‘Ulama) who acquire, practice and propagate Islam, being alert of their ultimate responsibilities towards Almighty Allah and towards themselves, family, institution , society , surroundings and private and public resources and to make them capable of competing the shifting trends of modern education.


Our Vision

DHIU aims to be the bastion of expertise in Islamic education that they can restore the dynamic role and educational superiority of past Muslim society in all intellectual programs and that seeks to rekindle the spirit of scholarship in Islamic sciences in the era of ever- changing society due to the innovative growth of modern sciences.



DHIU is founded upon the educational philosophy of Islam which in turn is inspired by the principles of hierarchy and unity of knowledge in its intents, contents and methods. Therefore, our philosophy is based on; Recognizing Allah, the almighty as the fountain- head of knowledge (al ‘ allam); acknowledging him as the ultimate end of every human endeavors;


Prof. Dr. Bahauddeen Muhammed Nadwi

Vice Chancellor

Vc's Message

Welcome to Darul Huda

DHIU was founded in 1406 H/ 1986 at Malappuram, Kerala, first as an Islamic academy aiming to produce a new generation of Muslim scholars capable of bearing the privileged responsibility of Islamic propagation in modern era. It was later upgraded to a private Islamic University status with international recognition from various Islamic university boards.

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Life At Darul Huda

The atmosphere of Darul Huda is exceptional.  By getting admission, you enter into a global cohort who stands by the welfare of Ummah. A community of learners from different parts of India transcends the boundaries of language and strives collectively for spiritual, cultural and educational excellence. Darul Huda is built  upon three foundational values; Ta’leem, Tarbiyah and Da’wa.

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Our Institutions

Students Activities

See Our Daily News & Updates

Call For Papers

See Our call for Papers

Call for Papers: Academic Conference on Minority Jurisprudence

The Academic Conference on Minority Jurisprudence, conducted by Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh.

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Study Centers
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3000+ Alumni
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10000+ Students
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500+ Faculty Members
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6 Afliated College
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10 Departments
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5 Kulliyya
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